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by Carin Van Wyk

Danielle Giannico is the latest addition to our firm. In April 2019 she started at our firm as a Candidate Attorney. Danielle graduated from the University of Pretoria (UP) with her LLB degree at the end of 2018 and it very quickly became apparent that she was a diligent and hardworking student. The more we worked with Danielle more we found out that she has a keen interest in all things “techie” and she completed her LLB final year dissertation in Cyber Law. She is currently researching how artificial intelligence can contribute to the development of the law, specifically infrastructure law.

Danielle is a very passionate, intelligent and eloquent woman. I believe her passion stems from the fact that she is of Italian decedent. Like a good Gelato Danielle is sweet, intense and full of flavor.  She is really good at being an Italian and there is very little you can tell her about good food and about Italian sports cars. We should also mention that Danielle, in true Italian style, only drives fiat (Feisty Italian Automobile Transportation).

Danielle has been dubbed “most Millennial” Millennial in the office, and with good reason. She is permanently on IT support and is a good reference for computer short-cuts and Microsoft office assistance. Danielle is always willing to assist with office bugs, technological or otherwise. Danielle is very eloquent and is also rather useful as a Thesaurus when we are looking for a synonym, and offers at least 5 variations of the word in question. Naturally she is also a bit of a book worm and in true Millennial form always has an e-book handy for a quick read in lunch or after work.

Danielle contributes a passion and warm heartedness to our office dynamic and is an asset to our team.